airin's gallery

Senin, 17 September 2007

Nicco's Shot

Last sunday my friend from caregroup, brother Nicco, took these shots. Wow! just with a S50 7,2 MegaPixel he can manage to make all his shots so interesting.. agree, guyz? It's my newest necklace 'Little White Roses' by it self, coz i gave the bracelet to Chiko. The one in the middle was my picture with Ella, a daughter of a very happy couple in our church. There we go-i was teaching Ella how to draw sailor moon-hahah.. aren't we cute?

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Hi Irene,

trus posting yang banyak ya, kalau sudah siap utk trading, kasih tahu saya ya.. nanti saya promisiin di situs saya... thx

Heavenly Beads